Friday, October 4, 2013


Todays' drawings are all explorations of line.  I started 631 in a comfortable way for me, cautious and careful line/value work.  It felt dead and stiff.  Then I re-drew the same basket (a Cherokee basket) quickly and without planning.  I was happy with the result and the fact that I actually caught the fact that that basket starts out round and ends up square.  On the right is an African basket from Greenlife, full of towels.  I had a lot of fun drawing it in the looser, more exploratory manner.

 Next I drew a large, loose basket that I made a bunch of years ago.  And on the right I drew a little basket that I made out of vines from my yard.  Just as I was finiahing this drawing, Jesse hopped up on the bed and went to sleep with one paw under his head.  He was still and quiet.  I was so happy to be able to draw him in this very sweet pose.  Then my husband, who is Jesse's main person, got up off the bed and went into the other room.  As soon as Phil left, Jesse jumped up and left.  Then Phil came back and so did Jesse, but this time he got into a frenzy of grooming and all I could do was fly around the page trying to follow his gestures.

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