Thursday, August 13, 2015

Let's Celebrate National Left-Handers' Day!

 My immediate family is slightly more than half left-handed-- of the five of us, three of us are, and I suspect Jesse of being left pawed.  And today I learned that one of our daughters-in-law is left handed!  Alas, of the nine grandchildren, only Jacob is a lefty as far as I know.  So the score stands five to seven, with disturbing evidence that Abby is not left-handed.  So in honor of all of us who use the preferred and esteemed left hand, here are drawings of:  Jesse's left front paw, my left foot, my left hand (badly drawn by my right hand)---
and then three drawings from old photographs:  David's five-year-old left hand, Erik's three-month-old left hand, and my eleven year old left hand sporting a garnet ring while playing the role of a praying angel in a family xmas pageant.

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