Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Jesse Protests

7:00 PM, no drawings done today, zero impulse to do any now, so I scoop up a handful of Jesse's toys from around the house and dump the wretched things on my drawing table.  I think I'll cheer myself up by using color and painting the battered mousie with as  much care and attention as a flower, paint the rubber snakie as though it were an Etruscan artifact.  Things are going pretty well.  And then into the room comes Jesse, up he springs onto the tabletop, and it's all over for painting.  He wants with a desperate urgency the toys he hasn't looked at all day.  He sits down as close to me as he can get, hooking his chin over the edge of my sketchbook and batting at the paintbrush.  He begins grooming diligently and doesn't leave until I fling all his toys back down on the floor, put the paints away, and he can go back to snoozing on the back porch table.


  1. My Lefty can walk over my computer and reconfigure it so well that it takes me days to get it back to where it was. They are masters!

    1. My daughter-in-law's office cat Sookie once did a Google search to which Google earnestly replied: "Your search for !@#$$%^%&^%&0989898990000000000<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< yielded zero results."

  2. For not having any impulse or energy for drawing, you did great! I love the little mouse! Sorry Jesse isn't good with sharing toys! I love the Zero results story too! ((Hugs!))

  3. OH! I forgot to tell you! I made one of your little pamphlet journals yesterday with some Canson pastel paper. Someone told me it worked well with watercolor, but a lot didn't think it would. So I took the challenge & did one in the little journal & it worked great! So thanks for your books! Now I can make a bigger one! Maybe with a bunch of different kinds of paper...and of course covered with a kettle chip bag! LOL! ♥

    1. Glad you're having fun with making little journals! I have a new favorite material-- Trader Joe's dried peas bag! It says "Trader Joe contemplates inner peas" and is in great colors! DO it the same way as with a kettle bag! The peas are really good too.

  4. ACK!!! I refuse to tell my DH this!!! We'll be eating peas forever! (Even tho' I do like the saying!) LOL! ♥
