Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Storm Birds

The day before the super storm three robins landed in our backyard looking stunned and more than a little outraged.  The fluffed out their feathers and spun around.  Then they just stood for a while, looking like stranded travelers in an airport.  We rarely see robins here at this time of year, and these three were clearly not just out poking around for hemlock seeds.  They seemed to be harbingers of something big coming.  Our cat Jesse was so frantic from the strange feeling in the air that he ignored the robins and kept chasing leaves.  The storm in the NC mountains was a hybrid of hurricane fallout and winter storm.  We're so far from the coast that we never get the brunt of a hurricane.  But this time we had very high winds, a bit of rain, and then last night-- snow, which is lingering on today.


  1. Rose birds are amazingly active! I can see that they are disturbed. Great spread, Gwen.

  2. Those birds. Hate the auto correct

  3. Sweet little birds. My cats were crazy before the storm, too.

  4. Wonderful sketch of the times!

  5. Thanks, all. I just came from a walk in the woods. Not a bird to be heard or seen!

  6. I'm glad to hear you are safe! The news in Australia has concentrated on the coast, and barely mentioned what is happening inland, so every new blog post I read today is a sign of hope. Animals know when something big is happening, even if they do not understand, and your sketch has captured that. May you continue to be safe!

  7. Thanks for your note, Gwen!
    I have been watching about Sandy hurricane from my safe home in Brazil and it is a bit scaring. I is very good that you live in the mountains. Indeed animals feel these kind of big things coming. Very beautiful your page about these robins. I hope I can draw this way someday (nowadays I only make the blank books). Thanks again!!

  8. glad you fared well in the storm. here, warm rain and gusty, no one minute of power outage. a few towns around lost a little power, but we did ok.
