Abby and I made a bird nest sculpture out of paper mache birds from the new art supply store in Maplewood. We had painted the birds to look like a robin and a bluebird.

Here’s my sketch of Abby drawing the ramp shown below. We were sitting on the ground in the park.

A plane flew over as she was drawing, so she added it at the top.

I love the desiccated look of post-Easter Easter lilies, crepey.

Drawings from the park and the shop window. Spring is just barely beginning this far north.

P and I went sketching with our friend S at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.
Then yesterday we took Nate to the Met. On the left is a ten-second action sketch of a burdened NJTransit passenger, and on the right are my sketches of Nate drawing in the Egyptian section, his favorite place at the Met.
More of Nate drawing, this time in the African galleries, another favorite place.
Some unfinished sketches of power figures from West Africa.

Our friend A’s Velveteen Rabbit-esque childhood horse
Next to unopened daffofils on the morning sun-lit table in her lovely Vermont apartment.